Wednesday, 9 October 2013

Understanding Language Amongst Cultures

Linguistics sheds light on patterns and variety in the structure and use of language, providing a foundation for language development work of all kinds.

Understanding Language

Linguistics - the study of language in all its aspects - has been a central activity of studying language since the beginning. Besides the basic value of understanding the complexity of human language in general, whether spoken or signed, the study of a particular individual language serves also as a tool used in language development projects of different kinds such as:


·         dictionary production

·         orthography development

·         literacy

·         translation

·         language documentation

Language is intimately tied to society and culture, and the study of linguistics constitutes another important aspect of understanding language.


Sociolinguistics analyzes significant linguistic and social variables and how they impact each other, providing a necessary basis for realistic and effective language planning and development. It has to do with helping those working with languages better understand the factors and issues relevant to their work. It is foundational to effective projects and to making good planning and strategy decisions. Sociolinguistic expertise is an important resource for planning, resource allocation and partnering. All of those involved in translation, literacy, linguistic analysis and multilingual education must understand how sociolinguistic factors and considerations impact the best practices of what they are doing.

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